trump Secrets

trump Secrets

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But his campaign, full of angry tirades against corruption and violence that largely matched the national mood, appealed to the millions who voted him into power.

The assessment referred to Bolsonaro's attempt to mine gold in Bahia state; according to him, the activity was only a "hobby and mental hygiene". In 1987, he studied in the Officers Improvement School, where he made the Artillery Advanced Course. Bolsonaro's first rise to publicity came in 1986 when he gave an interview to the news magazine Constate. He complained about low military salaries and claimed that the High Command was firing officers due to budgetary cuts and not because they were displaying 'deviations of conduct', as the command was telling the press.

Neste período, também disse não “admitir abrir a porta do meu apartamento e topar com um casal gay se despedindo utilizando um beijo na boca, e meu filho assistindo a isso”.

Huge crowds wearing yellow and green - the colours of the Brazilian flag - gathered to hear Mr Bolsonaro speak. Those I have spoken to say they are here demonstrating for freedom, and in particular freedom of speech.

I have nothing to do with anyone's behavior. If the man and the woman later decide to live with their partner, to form a couple, to live with a same-sex person, go and be happy.

He also called for an amnesty for hundreds of his supporters convicted for attacks on public buildings.

Lula volta a condenar atentado a Trump e diz qual republicano 'vai tentar tirar proveito' do episódio

The opening date for that trial, which will most likely last several weeks, vlogdolisboa is in late March, about three weeks after Super Tuesday, when over a dozen states vote on March 5.

Trump has spent two years recasting the history of one of the worst days at the U.S. Capitol as a “love-fest” in which he did nothing wrong.

Trump. “The corrupt federal police just won’t stop until they’ve achieved their mission: eliminate Trump,” he said, and added: “Trump isn’t responsible for what happened on Jan seis. The real cause was systematic and pervasive censorship of citizens in the year leading up to it.”

The politician also claimed that the "least heavy" of the quilombolas weighed seven arrobas, a unit of measure that is used in Brazil to weigh cattle.[333] These comments have been criticized as an attempt to dehumanize Black Brazilians.[334]

Merchan recusou ESTES esforçESTES Destes advogados do presidente de modo a transferir este julgamento para uma jurisdição onde os eleitores possam ser Ainda mais benefícioáveis a Trump.

O governo Bolsonaro mantinha uma estrutura por inteligência paralela de que monitorava a agenda do autoridades e era comandada pelo ex-assessor especial de Bolsonaro Marcelo Câmara.

O presidente do PL, Valdemar Costa Neto, foi alvo de 1 mandado do busca, mas acabou preso em flagrante por posse irregular por arma do fogo. Uma pepita de ouro foi apreendida com ele.

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